Pheasants International introduces its adjustable faucet and enhanced low-flow kit that transforms water into fine droplets, allowing precise control over water flow. Our customizable nozzle can release water at rates up to 0.35 gallons per minute, tailored to the specific needs of the application. The flow of fluid is significantly influenced by both temperature and pressure. We recommend providing us with the pressure readings at the installation site so that we can design a nozzle that meets your specific requirements.
We must adopt water conservation practices to ensure availability for future generations by ensuring that water withdrawal does not surpass the rate of natural replenishment. Many applications exist where water usage can be significantly reduced. Therefore, the pressing need of the moment is to curtail our water consumption across various sectors, including industry, agriculture, and sanitation, among others, to maximize water conservation.
Suitable for applications related to water conservation in hospitals, schools, industries, agriculture, and residential purposes.
Pressure range ……………………………………………….. 1 bar
Settings ………………………………………………… Adjustable
Fluid flow ………………………………………………… 0.35 gpm
Material ……………………………………….………… SS/Brass
Extended kit …………………………………………………. SS/Brass
Color ………………………………………………Grey/Silver
